
My research focus is very vast but in essence I touch and play with anything that revolves around data science, stattistics and machine learning to learn more about dark matter!!

Hierchical Bayesian Inference: Constraining the population distribution of Dark Matter halo shapes

I developpe a bayesian framework to constrain dark matter halo shapes usng photometric data of external stellar streams. By working around some initial constraints, I was able to define a population likelihood which is only a function of every independent fit. Therefor showing that it is possible to individually fit any given observation independetaly and then combining the marginalized posteriors to obtain constraints on the population parameters of dark matter halos. This project is currently being written up as a first-authour paper and will be submited to the Monthy News Royal Asotrnomy Society.

Leveraging Deep Neural Network for Automatic Discovory of Dwarf Galaxies

Finetuned ZooBot model that was trained on galaxy classification to automatically and accuratly identifiy dwarf galaxies in the UNIONS data that has more than 4PB of data.